My Go-to Summer Outfits

Hello everyone! I hope you are taking advantage of these few last weeks of summer. Fall is right around the corner which for me, means school is coming as well as lots of other obligations. Anyways, since I refuse to accept the fact that summer is almost over, for today’s post I decided to share some of my go-to summer  outfit. These are really simple and casual, because that is how I roll. 🙂 I hope you’ll like it and again thanks for taking time to read this post.

One of my favorite things to wear in summer are rompers. They are so easy to throw on, it literally takes me 5 seconds to put it on and they make your outfit really cute. It’s lot more easier to function in comparing to dresses and I love the fact you can dress them up or down, depending on where you’re going or how you’re feelin’. As you can tell mine outfit is pretty casual, but still with a dose of some kind of floral cuteness. I suck at explaining, I know. Don’t judge me. 🙂

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To accessories and, since it was steaming hot that day, I added this hat and for my shoes I kept it simple with these flats. If I’m wearing this romper at night time, I usually add some jewelry, like bracelet and I top it off with white Converse, because what else I would wear?

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For the second outfit, I again chose something simple and casual, still kinda fancy. So I paired my favorite denim shorts ever with this cute mint top. The focus on the outfit is on this blouse, because it’s what makes this look a bit more girly and different. If you want the basic summer outfit, just add plain white T-shirt, adidas or white converse sneakers and you’re done! As for hair, I went with these braids because 1. they look cute and I think they compliment the outfit really well and 2. it’s hot outside so not having to think about putting my hair and fixing every minute is always a plus.

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And for the third outfit I chose this flowy white dress and again, paired with white Convers, because what would I do without them? Also, I wore this little black backpack with this stickers on (which I actually put). Overall I absolutely love this outfit and it’s my favorite out of all of these. It’s comfy and casual, easy to throw on and it looks pretty presentable.

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Those were my summer go-to outfits! I hope you had wonderful summer and thank you for reading my post. 🙂 Fall is coming up, so stay tuned for more content. 🙂

Nadam se da valjano koristite ove poslednje dane leta. Polako se bliži kraj avgusta, što za mene znači da uskoro kreću obaveze, ali i rana jesen koju obožavam. Ipak, ovih nekoliko dana odlučila sam da odbijam da prihvatim činjenicu da je uskoro kraj i ovog leta. Stoga sam za današnji post odlučila da podelim neke od mojih ovogodišnjih letnjih outfit-a. Nadam se da će vam se svideti. 🙂

Jedna od mojih omiljenih stvari za nošenje tokom leta su kombinezoni. Obučete ga i za manje od 3 minuta ste spremni. Dosta su lagodniji u odnosu na haljine, jer ne morate toliko da razmišljate gde ćete sesti i kako. Takodje, vrlo su zgodni za kombinovanje, te od njih u zavisnosti od prilike, možete napraviti casual dnevni outfit ili neku ozbiljniju večernju varijantu.

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Moj izbor bio je kao što možete videti, opuštena dnevna varijanta. Pošto je bilo užasno vruće taj dan, dodala sam i ovaj šešir radi zaštite od sunca.

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Sledeći outfit je takodje poprilično casual. Ovaj šorc je definitvno najnošenija stvar u mom garderoberu ovog leta. Obožavam klasične teksas šorceve, a ako želite basic letnji outfit, dodajte običnu belu majicu i starke i spremni ste. Sama sam tu kombinaciju nosila mnogo puta, ali odlučila sam da  vam pokažem ipak nešto malo drugacije, te sam ovaj šorc uparila sa lepršavom bluzom i ovim cipelama. Što se tiče kose, na ovim vrućinama opredeljujem se za pletenice jer ne moram stalno da vežem i popravljam kosu.

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Za poslednji, koji je ujedno i moj omiljeni outfit, izabrala sam ovu lepršavu belu haljinu na pruge koju sam naravno, uparila sa belim starkama, jer šta bih drugo? 🙂 Mini rančići su postali veliki trend u posednjih nekoliko leta, a moram priznati da sam i ja veliki fan. Zgodniji su za nošenje i može da stani više stvari nego u neku malu torbicu. Takodje, čine outfit-e zanimljivijim i drugačijim. Ja sam dodala i ove stikere, kako bi svoj ranac učinila malo originalnijim i intersantnijim. 🙂

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